2017 - single-cell day of the SFR biosciences
PROGRAM Access to the Domaine Saint Joseph
«L'emploi des moyennes en physiologie et en médecine ne donne le plus souvent qu'une fausse précision aux résultats en détruisant le caractère biologique des phénomènes. »
Claude Bernard
This quote from the father of modern physiology and medicine highlights the need for measuring biological phenomena at their relevant scale. Current techniques now allow interrogating molecular contents at the single cell level, unleashing the full power of the cell theory formulated in 1839.
This single-cell day of the SFR biosciences will be dedicated to expose how old questions can obtain new answers using single-cell approaches.
We will listen to two keynotes speakers: Jeff Mold (Karolinska Institute - Sweden) and Gilad Yaakov (Weizmann Institute of Science - Israel).
We also will hear flash presentations from the SFR platforms, and talks by young scientists from each different laboratory.
Book the date: Friday, June 16th 2017
Looking forward to seeing you all in the Domaine st Joseph for that exciting occasion.
Organizing Committee : Isabelle Fobis Loisy, Carine Maisse-Paradisi, Mélanie Wencker, Romain Debret, Marco Grillo, Christian Lesterlin, Christophe Chamot, Thibault Andrieu, Olivier Gandrillon and Gaël Yvert.
Registration is free but compulsory :
June 16, 2016
- 8h30 Registration open
- 9h00 Welcome address Jacqueline Marvel,
- SFR Biosciences Director
- 9h10 Keynote lecture Chantal Rabourdin-Combe
- Jeff Mold - Karolinska Institute
- « Defining the Correlates of Protective T cell Immunity to Yellow Fever Virus Vaccination by Single Cell RNA sequencing »
- 10h00 Single cells technologies
- Thibault Andrieu, Sébastien Dussurgey, Jacqueline Marvel
- « “Single cell” and Cytometry »
- Christophe Chamot
- « Expert system or experts for systems, who wins? »
- 10h20 Lucie Riglet (RDP)
- « Role of microtubules in pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis thaliana »
- 10h35 Arnaud Bonnaffoux (LBMC)
- « Stochasticity in single cell gene expression »
- 10h50 Tea/Coffee break, posters and exhibition
- 11h15 Helena Todorov (CIRI)
- « Visualizing hidden structures in single-cell-data »
- 11h30 Flash poster R&D
- Suzy Markossian : « Cloning free mouse genome editing with CRISPR/Cas9 »
- Philippe Mangeot : « CRISPR and protein delivery in mouse embryo by innovative non coding Virus like particle »
- Thomas Henry : « Detection of post-translational modifications by quantitative mass spectrometry: Ubiscan and innate immunity of the host cytosol »
- 12h00 Poster Session
- 13h00 Lunch/Discussion
- 14h20 Keynote lecture
- Gilad Yaakov - Weizmann Institute of Science
- « Survival of the fittest single cell ? »
- 15h10 Yad Ghavi-Helm (IGFL)
- «Regulatory genomics in Drosophila embryos: what can we learn from single cells ? »
- 15h25 Emilie Delaune (LBTI)
- « Mucosal uptake of polymeric nanovectors by antigen presenting cells in zebrafish, quantified by flow imaging approaches »
- 15h40 Frédérick Arnaud (IVPC)
- « Organotypic brain slice cultures as a model to assess the early cell tropism of neurotropic viruses »
- 15h55 Christian Lesterlin (MMSB)
- « Acquisition and establishment of antibiotic resistance in live bacterial cells »
- 16h10 Concluding Remarks
- The meeting will be held at the Domaine Saint Joseph. The Domaine is located just 15 minutes from Lyon city centre, on the hill of Saint Foy lès Lyon.
Access to the Domaine Saint Joseph
scientific commitee
- Isabelle FOBIS-Loisy (RDP)
- Mélanie WENCKER (CIRI)
- Romain DEBRET (LBTI)
- Christian LESTERLIN (MMSB)
- Christophe CHAMOT (SFR Biosciences)
- Thibault ANDRIEU (SFR Biosciences)
- Julie ALEX
- Denise AUBERT
- Merci à tous les responsables et personnels plateaux SFR biosciences